East 2nd street flea

I woke up pretty late today, but managed to get myself out of the house to start editing photos... Checked social media, and found out flat track was at another cool event(they're always at cool events).

I checked the address, and it was literally happening a block away, 30 seconds by bicycle.

Popped over to find an amazing event - East 2nd Street Flea.

sam hill

Walked into Sam Hill for the first time, and ran into the ever fashionable Madeline Vu.


Sam Hill carries mostly vintage clothing and goods. Their prices seem really reasonable, and the items they select are very high quality.

sam hill

I'm assuming Madeline was there for some last minute holiday gifts, she picked up some soap.


Nice jacket. Actually, nice everything.


The event was in an unassuming wearhouse shared with both Sam Hill and a local peddicab shop.

Noah Marion

A lot of local dealers came by. Here's a table of leather goods by Noah Marion.

dandy's suit

Bow ties from Dandy's.


Bumped into my friend Riley, who works at Evernote, and who I'm going to join for drinks... like right now (in a grumpy mood!).

traveler's denim

Goods from Traveler's Denim which is located really close to Bennu Cafe, on 14th and Chestnut. My friend Riley said that he just went into their shop to get a pair of jeans for himself. Instead of just taking the usual length and width measurments, they take... 15-20 so you get a... for the lack of a better term... perfect fit. Even more so... they ask you to wear your jeans for a week straight, where afterwards you can return to the shop for additional touch ups.

farewell books

Farewell books showed up.


They had fresh copies of fields magazine, a new local art publication. I'm going to have to spend more time with it, and I'll post a review here in a few weeks.

Eliana & Riley

Keith Kreeger's assistant Eliana was there showing her recent work.

Eliana Bernard

The harsh lighting from the outside made for some amazing shadows with her pottery. I saw photos of these a while back, my initial impression was that the pieces were just too fragile to be of any use for anything. But after seeing them in person I think they're outstandingly beautiful, and placed next to the right window or light source, they could make for a small, sensible, and artistic container for small items (jewlery) or even candles that changes it's appearance throughout the day due to their shadows.

polar bear

This event confirmed a lot of things for me. While I have my fair amount of complaints about Austin, over the past few years I've fallen in love with the city. I feel like my time has been invested in the right places and more so in the right people. The fact that an event like this can exist, and that it can be so popular and have so much foot traffic speaks greatly to how Austin is changing and evolving for the better. The new money flowing in from tech businesses fuels the creatives. It allows for more. I'm excited for Austin's future, and I want to be here to see it unfold.